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首页>学会信息 > 中国药理学会药物基因组学专业委员会 中国药理学会药物基因组学专业委员会






主任委员: 周宏灏


秘书长: 张 伟

副秘书长: 崔一民、秦胜营、刘端

常委(排名不分先后):程京、陈 忠、黄 民、李校堃、刘昭前、罗永章、马骏、沈洪兵、石乐明、唐北沙、汪道文、袁洪、张承绪、周智广、朱院山、林旭、魏伟、仝小林、秦莹、蔡卫民、陈恩强、陈枢青、陈翔、郭瑞臣、郭启勇、李一石、刘奇、刘泽源、苏乐群、叶启发、张玉、周云峰、顾东风、郭代红、王升启、王小宁、许景峰、李贵新、伍伟锋、Vivian WY Lee、张 伟、秦胜营、崔一民

委员(排名不分先后):艾军、班博、鲍玉琳、陈东生、陈慧、陈世才、陈万生、冯端浩、冯刚、冯婉玉、戈伟、韩明勇、何功浩、胡军、胡永芳、贾伟平、黎月玲、李 智、李宝生、李俊生、李明春、李卫华、李雪松、梁延平、廖琳、刘勤社、刘亚利、刘逸辰、刘禹利、刘志霈、吕军、马珂、马霖、彭志海、秦晓松、沈毅、施晨阳、石 杰、宋现让、隋忠国、孙晖、孙伟、孙洲亮、唐发宽、唐少华、王飚、王传跃、王春革、王会娟、王清、王文奇、王新梦、王秀问、王哲海、王者令、谢瑞祥、徐贵丽、徐海洋、徐维平、颜真、杨婉花、尤崇革、于国平、张鉴、张克亮、张志珺、张超、丰光斌、赵庆春、钟军、周国华、朱惠莉、朱曼、董亚琳、郭其森、郭志勇、何明、侯应龙、毛拥军、石远凯、王宝成、杨莉萍、张弋、余丽梅、周国华、唐晓华、叶庆、戴鹏高、刘洁、曹舫、段金菊、傅晓辉、梁岩、欧阳冬生、齐谋甲、孙建枢、王兴宇、谢丛华、于壮、张国刚、盖中涛、侯大平、陆士娟、赵靖平、魏来、郝义彬、刘端











A Brief Introduction to the Division of Pharmacogenomics of the Chinese Pharmacological Society


   Pharmacogenomics is a science that studies the influence ofgenetic variations on drug response in patients. Integrating pharmacology and genetics, pharmacogenomics appeared as a new interdiscipline by the time functional genomics developed. Division of Pharmacogenomics, Chinese Pharmacological Society (DPCPS) was initiated by academician Hong-hao Zhou, head of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, Central South University, and approved to establish by the eighth conference of the ninth General Council of Chinese Pharmacological Society. DPCPS mainly focuses on the study and practice of personalized drug therapy and rational drug use by carrying out work on academic research, education, technology development and clinical application. In the technology area, study is committed to the improvement of analytic technique and clinical application; in the academic area, basic and standardized researches on many specialties such as pharmaceutical analysis, molecular biology, cell biology, pharmacology and statistics are carried out, based on learning the relationship and interaction of Gene polymorphism  Pharmacokinetics - Pharmacodynamics.


   The establishment of DPCPS is an important milestone in the development of Chinese pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, indicating that the research and application of Chinese pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine has entered a new stage of development. DPCPS is the leader of Chinese pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, and it will steer and drive the development of Chinese pharmacogenomics, personalized medicine and translational medicine. At the same time, DPCPS builds a platform for exchange and cooperation of our researchers, health workers and business people in these areas. In the future, DPCPS will organize academic activities, and it also encourages the public organization of a variety of exchange activities in different regions. DPCPS will make efforts for turning its academic conferences into annually or biennially grand academic events. 


 The main work of DPCPS includes:

1.Organizing academic conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. in national pharmacogenomics field;

2.Editing and publishing journals, books and audio-visual products of pharmacogenomics;

3.Reviewing academic achievements, providing pharmacogenomics consultation and undertaking government tasks;

4.Organizing and carrying out international academic exchange activities in national pharmacogenomics field;

5.Propagating the new knowledge of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine, and popularizing the exchange of advanced technology and display of new equipment in these areas;

6.Carrying out the continuing education in pharmacogenomics field and organizing activities to serve members;

7.Playing an advisory role in the key issues of science and technology policy and economic development in the area of Chinese personalized medicine and new drug discovery.





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