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作者:文章来源:所内发布时间:2016/10/29 0:00:00

 A new hierarchical treatment strategy for diabetes revealed by Prof. Wei Zhang’s team: Individualized blood glucose control and vascular complications prevention for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) based on TRIB3 molecular classification.

    It is becoming a hot spot how to achieve an optimized method for glycemic control and vascular complications prevention with T2DM since China is challenged with the rapidly increased T2DM. If we can take advantage of personal genomic information to identify people who are at low risk for developing hypoglycemia (HbA1c% <6.5 %) and vascular complications compared with the current standard treatment regimen (HbA1c% >7.0%), it would has a great significance to promote the personalized therapy for T2DM. Prof. Wei Zhang’s team from Xiangya Hospital, Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of Central South University have focused on the Pharmacogenomics of T2DM for yeas and got a great discovery.


   Their recent findings revealed that TRIB3 molecular classification could distinguish the T2DM patients with HbA1c% lower than 6.5% who are at lower risk for vascular complications. The results have been published in series of 《Cell》 and 《The Lancet》,EBioMedicine,(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352396416304868 ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.10.025 ). The first author is Dr. Fazhong He.

    TRIB3 plays an important role in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis through insulin-mediated Akt signaling pathway in different organs and tissues. Excessive activation of TRIB3 can result in increased risk of T2DM and cardiovascular complications for other metabolic syndrome. It has been reported that TRIB3 rs2295490 was closely associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease. In sight of this, we conducted a 2×2 factorial clinical trial to explore the relationship of TRIB3 genetic polymorphism and the risk of vascular complications for T2DM in four groups: intensive hypoglycemic therapy, local standard hypoglycemic therapy, continuous antihypertensive therapy and placebo-controlled treatment.

   Our previous studies have shown that hypertensive patients carrying the AA genotype of TRIB3 (rs2295490) show a better antihypertensive effect after treatment of imidapril and calcium channel blockers. Our results from the ADVANCE project , including 1884 patients from 61 Chinese Clinical Research Center followed-up for 5 years demonstrated that T2DM patients carrying the TRIB3 (rs2295490) G allele had a significantly lower incidence of macrovascular and microvascular events after intensive glycemic control (HbA1c% <6.5%) treatment.

    Now, the team members are continually keeping on the in-depth mechanism exploration to ascertain TRIB3 signal pathway and molecular target in order to translate the research results to drug development and clinical individualized treatment, improving the effectiveness and pertinence for early interventional treatment for T2DM patients.






中国面临糖尿病及其血管并发症快速增长态势,如何进行良好的血糖控制及积极的血管并发症防治成为当前关注的热点及挑战。若能根据患者的基因信息,辨别哪些患者治疗过程中糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c%) 低于6.5% 不易发生低血糖,且心血管并发症较目前临床标准治疗(HbA1c% 高于7.0%)显著降低,对于推进糖尿病个体化治疗将有重大意义。中南大学湘雅医院临床药理研究所张伟教授课题组近年来关注糖尿病的临床药物基因组学研究,并取得重要发现。

课题组最近研究表明,通过对TRIB3分子分型能够辨别哪些糖尿病患者目标HbA1c%控制在6.5% 以下能够显著降低心血管事件发生率。该研究论文发表于《Cell》和 《Lancet》联合创办子刊《EBioMedicine》,论文第一作者为何发忠博士。









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